World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
The Hydrology and Water Resources Programme (HWRP) of WMO promotes the effective use of hydrology in sustainable development to reduce the risk and impacts of water-related disasters and to support effective environmental management at international, regional, national and basin levels.
The Programme strengthens the capabilities of Members, particularly those in developing countries or countries in transition, through technology transfer and capacity development. The Hydrology and Water Resources Programme supports Members by assisting them to develop their capacities in:
- measuring basic hydrological elements from networks of hydrological and meteorological stations;
- collecting, processing, storing, retrieving and publishing hydrological data, including surface water and groundwater;
- providing data and information for use by planners and water managers;
- managing extremes, particularly through integrated flood and drought management;
- installing and operating hydrological forecasting systems; and
- integrating meteorological and climatological information and forecasts into water resources management.
Estimated budget for water and sanitation activities (USD):
10-20 million