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UN-Habitat project transform informal settlements into sustainable communities

North of Kenya's coastal city of Mombasa, in the settlement of Majengo, the conditions have gotten worse over time. During the rainy season the waters rose until the slum was submerged in water – as there is no drainage system.

PSUP in Pictures

Majengo and Mzambarauni, two settlement areas on the outskirts of Mtwapa in Kenya, are in the process of being transformed following a new plan that will give every resident access to safe drinking water and a toilet, as well as providing adequate roads and safe living spaces. This work is conducted through a slum rehabilitation pilot project implemented in 2014 by UN-Habitat's Participatory Slum Upgrading Project (PSUP).

UN-Habitat works on the principle of community participation, where the residents of both villages have a say in how they want to live from now going forward and they also participate substantially in developing their own communities.


Learn more about the ongoing work in the two settlements Majengo and Mzambarauni.

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