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New GLAAS report launched

Findings from the 2022 edition of WHO and UN-Water’s Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) give the clearest-ever picture of where acceleration is needed to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 6 – water and sanitation for all by 2030.

Water-point see from above with children fetching water.

While 45 per cent of countries are on track to achieve their nationally-defined drinking-water coverage targets, only 25 per cent of countries are on track to achieve their national sanitation targets. Less than a third of countries reported having sufficient human resources required to carry out key WASH functions.

The GLAAS 2022 report, which details the latest insights on the status of drinking-water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) systems in more than 120 countries, is the largest data collection from the greatest number of countries to date.

While there has been an increase in WASH budgets in some countries, over 75 per cent of countries reported insufficient funding to implement their WASH plans and strategies.

The report also asserts that countries that are on-track top meet their national drinking-water and sanitation targets are more likely to have: enough human and financial resources; tariffs that cover operations and maintenance costs; effective regulatory authorities; and, higher utilization of domestic capital commitments.

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